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Hear ye! Hear ye!

Royal Members of Queen Gracie's Court

Macey's Royal Attendant is Kirsten Salayko


Sir Kestrel

His Royal Attendant is Pamela Benus

My Dearest Queen,

My name is Kestrel Dreams, isn't that romantic? Can I be on your royal court? I also have a hard life being the only IG surrounded by Whippets. I hardly ever steal toys and I only bite when Whippet Sage won't play with me. Please forgive me since I'm only a 9 month old
puppy boy. You are so beautiful you must also be very kind.




Dear Kestrel, considering your hard life and the fact that unlike Georgie, you don't steal toys,

I now appoint you Sir Kestrel and you are an honored member of my Royal Court.

This should elevate your status with the Whippets and they will now beg you to play.
Yes, I am beautiful and now you see for yourself that your hunch was right and I am kind.

Her Royal Highness,

Queen Gracie




Dictated by Whippet Sage,

I protest Kestrel being invited to be on Queen Gracie's court. Although I enjoy playing with him, he does STEAL toys and he does BITE me. But the worse offence is what he did when I was getting my picture taken.

As a model yourself I'm sure you realize what a pain he is after seeing the pictures. BTW my eyes are fine. My photographer was incompetent..so hard to find good help as you probably know.

Whippet Princess Sage CRX (that means I'm pretty fast)



Dear Whippet Sage,

although I can understand your frustration, NO ONE questions the Queen! I was going to say, "Off with your head!" but your speed and accomplishment have saved you from that fate.

And, in thinking it over, I admire your courage, so I hereby appoint you Earl Sage.

Her Royal Highness,

Queen Gracie


Your Royal Highness,
I humbly submit this picture of myself so that I may be included among
your courtiers. I hope all the positions are not already filled.

Charlie Oliver CGC TDI


Dear Charlie Oliver, your beauty shows clearly in the pic and I can do nothing else
but appoint you Lord Charlie Oliver taking into consideration the CGC and TDI you have earned.

I am honored to have you as a member of my Royal Court.

Her Royal Highness,
Queen Gracie


I've attached a photo of myself, Maximilian (Max forshort and Mom says it should be MaxiMillion becauseI'm a rescue and I've cost her so much). I'm prettysure I should be part of Gracie's court (and NOT thejester either!) because I'm such a good boy. I'm 100%
potty trained and I'm always really nice to the fosterdogs that come to stay with us (even if I don't likethem). I used to be a foster dog myself so I know how hard it is!

Anyway, I promise to give Gracie half of a chewie and
two pig ears if she'll let me into her Kingdom.



Dear Max,

Your tolerance of fosters and your impeccable potty habits are commendable, indeed,

but the promise of half of a chewie and the two pig ears have surely won you a place in my Royal Court. I hereby appoint you Duke Maximillian.

And, the fact that you're so handsome was absolutely a consideration.


Her Royal Highness,

Queen Gracie






I wish to join Queen Gracie's Court. I'm sending two pics, one toshow my regal beauty and the other to demonstrate my ability to command my subjects. I think I would be a great asset to Queen Gracie because I know how to keep my humans in line. I can defend her
highness from any attacks from large stuffed animals, I've destuffed every one to ever come in my path. Plus I think The Queen is quite the catch and wouldn't mind her teaching me a few new tricks. I could always use more treats.

Nero aka "King Furooki" with the help of Jocelyn



Dear Nero,

Hmmm......I don't know where to begin...

I am extremaly impressed at your de-stuffing abilities and your ability to keep humans in line would definitely take care of my Mom when she tells those ghastly stories about me.

And, you're soooo handsome!

Well, with no further ado, I hereby appoint you Count Nero.

And, I AM looking forward to the new tricks. ;)

Her Royal Highness,

Queen Gracie




Ahem... introducing Mr.Peabody and SherMAN (all man, or so his daddy
says), who is not yet emboldened enough to reveal himself to the
Queen (prefering to stay under the blanket). Mr. Peabody, on the
other hand, doth totally giveth himself over unto Her Royal Highness.

from some of us "who care,"
Mary and the boys




Dear Mr. Peabody and SherMAN,

your willingness to serve the Queen is quite evident. Your handsome selves will definitely be majestic additions to the Queen's Royal Court. SherMAN, you are showing your intelligence staying under that blanket -I admire your penchant for comfort. And, Mr. Peabody, what can I say? You are definitely centerfold material.

I hereby appointed you Barons Peabody and SherMAN.

Her Royal Highness,

Queen Gracie




Dear Mandi and Mitzi,

your adorable faces and cute ears have qualified you for a position in my Royal Court. And, the factthat you live close to me and can wait on me hand and foot played an important part in the decision.

I hereby appoint you Princesses Mitzi and Mandi.

Her Royal Highness

Queen Gracie



To the Queen from EMPEROR HUMPHREY:

Now hear this Queen Gracie. YOU OWE ME!!!! I demand a spot in the Italian Greyhound Royal Court!!! Should you decide to move out of my territory I will be delighted to have my portrait removed and move out of yours. Until then...everybody in dogdom is gonna see a GREAT Blue Heron sitting on a dog site looking more magnificent than any Iggy in Iggydom INCLUDING YOU!!! Eat'cher heart out Queenie!!!

to Emperor Humphrey from Queen Gracie:

There is NO love lost between us. I will NOT move out of MY territory!!! If you insist on looking ridiculous in an Italian Greyhound Royal Court...that's your business. On the occasion of next Thanksgiving I plan to dine on a large gray bird (that is neither Blue nor Great) and is also definitely NOT a turkey. You've got 3 guesses who is going serve as the main course!!! Start saying your prayers. I'm counting
down the days!!!!





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