a result...the new candidate for President of the
United States on the Re-Pup-IG-an ticket is Angel
Fabio DiRocco.

are his qualifications:
He was, is and always will be an Italian
2. As a senior IG he has a lifetime of experience
3. Living on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge will bring
HUGE advantages. As an Angel he will have a higher
power to guide him into the right decisions for our
He is in daily communication with his Sainted
Mama, Karen DiRocco, through a magic necklace
that she always wears next to her heart...
5. He was handpicked by The Queen herself. Gracie has
always loved Fabio and thinks that he would make an AWESOME
President. Humphrey
now will have some REALLY STIFF competition.
If YOUR dog, cat or pet hamster wants a spot on either
party's ticket...please e-mail me privately and supply
a pic. Let me know what position your best friend might
like to fill! This is A FUN SITE!!!! On November 4th
2008...ITALGREY will vote for President of the United
States. Either Angel Fabio DiRocco wins....or heaven
forbid ... that outrageous shyster Humphrey the less
than Great Blue Heron wins. You better be there with
your vote! Whichever one of them wins...I guarantee will
make a better leader than whichever human wins a similar
election! <VBG>
--Judy Godmother
to Fabio DiRocco and no
relation at all to Sheridanes Our
Gracie (an IG with a Queen complex!)